HomeSeminars for associations

Seminars for associations

We are happy to visit you!

We are delighted to visit your clubs and associations and provide advice about all aspects of legal and fiscal issues. We have presented seminars, spoken at dinners, and attended many different types of celebratory events in order to help you keep informed.

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We are currently preparing our next seminar programme. More information will soon be posted in this section.

Latest seminar

Seminar Inheritance in Spain
Date 12th of April, 2011
Location Ciudad Quesada
Venue Cooper's Arms
Seminar presenters
ÁbacoTaxes Team - Seminars for associations Caroline Clinton
Head of Customer care
Languages: English and Spanish
ÁbacoTaxes Team - Seminars for associations Marina Lorente
Specialist in Urban legalities and inheritance
Languages: English, Italian and Spanish
ÁbacoTaxes Team - Seminars for associations Gema Sánchez
Official Sworn Translator and Interpreter (English)
Languages: English, German, French and Spanish
  1. Reproduction of a video to provide a general view with a humorous touch of the Spanish administrative system; the attendants could see the obstacles faced by us in our daily work.
  2. Introduction to Abaco's Legal Team and the work we carry out.
  3. Introduction to the inheritance Procedure in Spain; main differences with the British inheritance system.
  4. Inheritance Tax. Reductions and allowances on basis of:
    • Resident or non resident status.
    • Relationship between beneficiaries and late.
  5. The Spanish Inheritance Laws:
    • The National Law, requirements and features.
    • The different Regional Laws, requirements and features. Importance to be able to prove FISCAL residence.
  6. Practical examples. Everyone could see that IHT is not worrying at all for residents, and not so bad for non residents, provided that you plan the inheritance properly following a few tips we presented and being well advised by professionals in order to avoid being misinformed.
  7. Some advice regarding inheritance in Spain.
    • Make a Spanish Will and make sure you take into consideration the different allowances established by Spanish Inheritance Law so you can reduce the tax the maximum.
    • Discuss matters with legal experts to have proper advice and also wih your family and beneficiaries.
    • Make sure your beneficiaries have a copy of your will and your Spanish solicitors contact details.
    • Don't panic: there are professionals who deal with these matters for a living and are experienced in inheritance; they will do everything for you and the only thing you will need to do is to sign a Power of Attorney, being possible for the beneficiaries to sign this document in their home country so it won't be necessary for them to travel to Spain at all.
  8. Questions: After these explanations, there was an open session of questions where the attendants had the opportunity to raise any kind of questions regarding IHT and any other legal matters, being free to comment as well their particular cases with our solicitors.

Register of seminars

Date Association Location Topic
Nov 2010 HELP Los Alcáceres
View photographs from this seminar
Los Alcáceres Imserso
Spanish Taxes
Inheritance in Spain
Jun 2010 HELP Benidorm Imserso
Spanish Taxes
Inheritance in Spain
Apr 2010 HELP Mar Menor Imserso
Spanish Taxes
Inheritance in Spain
Apr 2010 Association of Retired Police Officers Alicante Imserso
Spanish Taxes
Apr 2010 Royal Air Force Association San Miguel Imserso
Spanish Taxes
Mar 2010 PALS La Siesta Imserso
Spanish Taxes
Mar 2010 Strictly Social Club Torrevieja Imserso
Spanish Taxes
Mar 2010 Quesada Ladies Club Quesada Imserso
Spanish Taxes
Feb 2010 La Marina Ladies Club La Marina Imserso
Spanish Taxes
Jan 2010 T.R.A.C Torrevieja Imserso
Spanish Taxes
Nov 2009 Phoenix Solos Club Torrevieja Imserso
Spanish Taxes
Oct 2009 Company Women Alcazares Imserso
Spanish Taxes

Seminar presenters

Our team of expert includes:

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  • “We have been treated excellent. We first chose you because of your language proficiency (Swedish), but now I can add knowledge as well after having seen your work. Please continue with your very nice and professional treatment.”

    Kristina Susanne Siggelin

  • “Very good indeed. A most professional service delivered by pleasant staff.”

    Andrew and Teresa Mary Howard

Video Tutorials

Spanish Taxes On-line


Spanish Taxes On-line Video - ÁbacoTaxes